The Power of your Network

I want to share a really cool antidote from [[The Power Paradox]] about [[Charles Darwin]]. Keltner writes "He carefullly wrote fifteen hundred letters a year, or about four a day, to collaborators who included missionaries in remote parts of the world, a French neurologist working on facial musculature, MD's reporting on when patients blush, fur trappers, gardeners, zookeepers, and pigeon fanciers. Darwin's writings are an expression of many people's ideas from all walks of life."

I had to read this twice - 4 letters a day. Darwin must have been the most curious person on Earch (possibly to ever live). Imagine how active he would have been with the internet...

This is a great example of how the greatest minds are never alone. They leverage the world around them. They go looking for answers.

This builds on what I wrote about on [[2020-10-18]]. The real power of [[Charles Darwin]] was not in his own mind, but in the incredibly rich environment of ideas he built for himself by engaging with so many people.

One last thing

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