Weekly Review, 2021-07-18
[[How Much Do We Work]]
- [[Noah Pinion]] made a claim in [[Bidenonmics Explained]] about hours worked by Americans that I disagree with. I wrote the note [[How Much Do We Work]] to explain why. Let me know what you think!
[[Dynamic Land]]
Through [[Dominic Cummings]] blog, I found [[Dynamic Land]] this week, which is a really cool project co-founded by [[Bret Victor]] and [[Alan Kay]].
Their long term vision:
2060: The dynamic medium, everywhere, built into all infrastructure as electric lighting is today. As a non-profit, we are free and obligated to do whatever it takes to ensure that this pervasive medium is safe and empowers all people, rather than prioritizing corporate or nefarious interests.
Sure the pictures make this look like a game for kids now, but I can't help but see it as a stepping stone to real life Tony Stark like labs https://t.co/D9IEN6NdnY
— Nick Torba (@nicktorba) July 19, 2021
What I forgot to include, though, is that they want their [[Tony Stark]]-like labs to be publicly available (like libraries) - not just the rich who can afford them.
The [[dynamic medium]] allows us to "think as whole humans." By turning the computer into a whole room/building/space, we can interact with our full bodies, not just our eyes and fingers.
[[Bret Victor]]
- After finding [[DynamicLand]], I returned to Bret's awesome personal website. It's not like any other site on the internet. He flexes his great UI understanding while showing off all of his great projects.
Every time I end up on Bret Victor's personal website I get more impressed https://t.co/vsdmr9xpls
— Nick Torba (@nicktorba) July 20, 2021
- I plan to spend more time reading and watching videos about his work, as well as [[Alan Kay]].
My Linked Notes
One last thing
If you liked these notes, hit me on Twitter!