
My Linked Notes

  • 2021-02-07

    Urbit has identified the cold start problem of the [[Dweb]]: [[Peer 2 Peer]] apps are hard to build because no one has personal servers, and no one has personal servers because maintaining one is a pain in the ass. They want to fix this by making personal server management so easy anyone can do it. To do this, they decided to scrap everything. To Urbit, Unix is hopeless. So they built an entirely new [[Overlay OS]], that runs as a Unix subprocess, so users will never have to deal with Unix.

  • 2021-02-14

    Welcome back (or for the first time) to the Weekly Review! This week I updated some notes on [[Interface First Design]], give an update on the [[Voice Memo Experiment]]'s success, ramble about the [[Dweb]], and talk about a crazy new thing I found. Hope you enjoy!

  • 2021-02-14

    Laypeople and the [[Dweb]]

  • 2021-02-14

    Finding ways to get the average consumer interested and educated will the next step for the [[Dweb]].

One last thing

If you liked these notes, hit me on Twitter!