Building an Audience First

My Linked Notes

  • 2020-10-24
    • This is why methodologies in [[building an audience first]] are becoming so popular. Following [[lean startup]], you don't start writing code until it has been established there is a significant need. An engineers life is easier if you do the convincing up front, then deliver.
      • This does require that you must actually be able to deliver
  • 2020-12-10

    This brought to mind the new wave of online writers that plan to start businesses after [[building an audience first]]. They are building up their ability to alter the states of other people.

  • 2020-12-10
    • "state" in this case can be something qualitative like mood or emotion, or something more concrete like a bank account. Any form of altering the state of being of another person [[Building an audience first]] makes the person with the audience more powerful, which is what makes this strategy so useful for starting a business. You've built credibility that other people use as a base to allow you to change their state.

One last thing

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